Aurum Aegis

Victor scoffs at anything less than the pinnacle of armaments crafted by only the most elite smiths, his insatiable greed fuelled by bottomless wealth.
His ostentatious armor, adorned with intricate designs and rare gemstones, is a testament to his belief that only the extraordinary deserves a place in his formidable arsenal.


Gauntlets Of Iron Will

The Deathmatch Arena tests the will of even the greatest fighters. Many have stood in front of a wall of opponents and much fewer have had the skill to best them. Those few who remain show a courageous violence worthy of a thousand tales.


Hood Of Red Sand

Whispers echo through the desolate desert, borne on the wind, carrying tales of 'The Terror of the Golden Sands.' A scarlet blur, a fleeting glimpse of unbridled savagery, is often the last sight seared into the minds of those unfortunate enough to cross paths with this merciless fighter.


Olympia Prized Fighter

"In this arena, victory is the air I breathe, the culmination of facing every challenge and etching my name in the echoes of the peoples' cheers for decades. As you stand on this battlefield, know that it is littered with a hundred remnants of my past victories. I will show you nothing but my best, and I expect nothing less from you."
- Olympia, Prized Fighter


Show No Mercy

The arena is no place for mercy. One slight pause in Demetrios' judgement, and Rhinar seized the opportunity to show him the raw brutality that defines a winner from a loser.


Up The Ante

"These grounds bear witness to the fallen, the bodies of those who dared to bet against me. Are you ready to raise the stakes, to gamble that victory will always be mine?"
- Olympia
