Oscilio, Constella Intelligence

The Queen of Candlehold is dead, and Aria has experienced a dramatic surge in The Flow.

This shift has awoken Oscilio, a wizard made by the hands and minds of the Aetherscribes. Embedded in the ancient vault of Arcturos, sealed away in the Third Age, Oscilio now finds himself navigating a strange new world.

All that Oscilio once knew is gone. He is a newcomer to the cultures and everyday concerns of greater Aria—truly the odd one out. He has no time for trivial conversation; he has a mission to complete. And thanks to the astute actions and lighthearted humor of Aurora, Oscilio now has a guide to help him explore the lands and share his knowledge.

Unbeknownst to all, Oscilio is more than a scholar. In Oscilio, the Aetherscribes created a weapon forged to defend against forgotten evils—the wisdom contained within, a blueprint for survival.

Though Oscilio bears his creators' intellect, he is not humbled by the errors that led to their deaths. Oscilio stands at the nexus of history and prophecy, a sage who will help Rathe prepare for the return of the malevolent entities that lie in wait.

But first, Oscilio must face his greatest challenge since his awakening. A social engagement full of sorrow and celebration, the likes of which Aria has not seen in thousands of years.