Enigma, Ledger of Ancestry

Surrounded by the whispers of bygone spirits and the mysteries of forgotten secrets, Enigma assumes her timeless vigil. Reborn into the lineage of the Ledgers, she carries the weight of generations past, a protector of balance and steward of the Cosmic Chi.

From the revered halls of the Immortal Lunar Shrine to the rugged peaks of the Misterian Ranges, Enigma watches over the realm with a quiet sense of duty and an unassuming dedication. With her gaze fixed upon the ethereal horizon, she seeks guidance from the whispers of her ancestors, drawing upon their wisdom to navigate the intricate tomes of fate.

As a custodian of the delicate equilibrium between dream and reality, Enigma ensures that harmony prevails within the realm. Beyond the scrutiny of the public eye, she attends to wayward spirits and safeguards the balance between the ethereal and the tangible, fulfilling her eternal duty as the steward of the Ledger of Ancestry.

With nuanced gestures and gentle incantations, Enigma confronts the subtle disturbances that threaten to disrupt the cosmic balance, wielding her knowledge with a quiet grace and precision. Though her origins remain veiled in the mists of time, her steadfast commitment to preserving the delicate harmony of Misteria remains unwavering, her enigmatic presence serving as a subtle shield against an encroaching uncertainty.

Moonlight Made Manifest
Should your eyes catch the angle of a moonbeam just right, you might be lucky enough to glimpse your demise before it comes for you. Enigma's reverence for the past gives rise to powerful beings in the present, all ready to spend their existence either protecting Enigma or attacking on her behalf.
Phases of her Plan
Enigma knows the flow of a battle will wax and wane. Sometimes Enigma will look to protect her manifestations via her own defenses, other times she will let the spirts ward off the harm that would befall her, and instead spend her resources on building her warding army once more.