The creatures of Aria are incredibly diverse, fantastical and magnificent beings unlike anything found elsewhere on Rathe. Years of living in a peaceful environment have made them docile, and friendly toward most other creatures.

A majestic creature with a thick mane, crowned with a series of large crystals that grow out from the top of its skull. In addition to its dense coat, it grows large tusks on either side of its jaw.

These shy, reclusive mammals are notable for their luxurious fur. Their bodies are long and thin, with short legs and a narrow head. Their long, white fur is incredibly soft, keeping them warm in winter and cool during the summer. They shed their coats each spring along with the uppermost layer of their hide, and will grow a new coat of fur within a few days. These discarded coats are often used in clothing across Aria.

A large beast with a crystalline hide, the na'shari has skin harder than most forms of metal. In spite of its tough appearance, this creature is known for its docile and friendly nature. Its round eyes and fuzzy tail make the creature incredibly popular with children, who often flock to na'shari in hopes of playing with the creature.

These tiny, mischievous creatures are recognised by their long limbs and tails, and colourful feather crests. Meeps are usually found in the vicinity of the Everfest Carnival, travelling along with the Carnival and stealing food and shiny objects from its patrons.
"One cannot visit the Everfest Carnival without encountering the meeps. Small, quick, and far too intelligent for their own good, they will quickly single out anyone not paying close attention to their belongings. A flash of blue out of the corner of your eye, and poof! They're making off with your grandmother's necklace. It's not always jewellery, of course - food, potions, crystals, hats, scarves; anything small enough for them to grab. I've even seen one particularly ambitious meep to try to steal the dowsing disc right off a wayfarer's arm! Above all else, there is nothing in this world that meeps love more than something shiny."
~ Excerpt from the 'Chronicles of Aria' by Saga Skalda, Bard of Edda

These majestic creatures are tall, with long flowing tails, tough skin, and massive antlers crowning the top of their head. Fianna are often used by the Everfest Carnival for their strength and placid nature, helping to move the Carnival's many attractions from location to location.