Roll of Honor: Dash

"That incident with the Gigadril got you into this," shrugged Thiroux, "this is your way out. You have three hours to pack."

Dash stomped down the hall, slamming the door to her bedroom behind her, the force knocking her latest prototype off the nightstand. She felt ashamedly childish, but the situation was so unfair. As she packed, she calculated the distance between Terracette and Zinnia Park. She'd escape and head there; join Ricky Royce and the others. She zipped up her bag and grabbed the prototype. Who needs parents anyway?

Not a single word was exchanged between daughter and mother the entire drive. But as Thiroux turned the steering wheel a hard right onto a long and austere driveway, both of them gasped.

Terracette Pathway Academy, established by Teklo Industries, stood looming, the entire perimeter fenced off. Terracette Prison, more like it. It wouldn't be a simple escape.

They ascended the steps to the front entrance and knocked. Dash expected a stuffy superintendent to appear. Instead, a woman of similar age to Dash opened the door. She was dressed neck to toe in protective leather and gadgets.

"You must be Dash," greeted the woman. "Welcome to wonderland."

The gloom of the outside world disappeared, replaced by a bright interior filled with contraptions. As they walked along the corridors, young inventors like herself stood appraising their peers' creations. Dash felt excitement replace dread until a known face entered the room. Dr Wyverstone. If he was here, then she was in deep shit.

"Thiroux... Dash," muttered Wyverstone. "I bet you didn't expect to see me?"

"Not really," groaned Dash.

"Dash!" scolded Thiroux. "Apologies Dr Wyverstone, it's been a long drive."

"It is I who should apologise," replied Wyverstone, "for the...incident. I shouldn't have raised my laser pistol at you, Dash. My temper gets the better of me sometimes."

Thiroux looked at Dash, urging her daughter to respond.

"Apology accepted," allowed Dash.

Thiroux winced, took a deep breath and smiled. "What do you say we put that behind us?"

Wyverstone nodded then noticed the prototype in Dash's hand, raising his eyebrow in surprise.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Oh, this..." She hid the gadget behind her back.

Wyverstone reached into his pocket, searching for something. "I'll be teaching at the Academy for the interim," he grimaced as he pulled out a key. "This is for you." He dropped the key into Dash's free hand.

She turned the tag over. "Tinker Workshop?"

"If you're going to purify plasma with that thing, you'll need a place to contain the mess."

"I'm not in trouble?"

"Ask me again at the end of your internship."