A Thousand Cuts

"Not from around here, are ya kid?" The Jawbreaker goon sneered down, as his four cohorts shuffled closer to corner the young Ninja in the alleyway.

Benji stood his ground, calm as the breeze.

"I just need directions to..."

Noticing the thugs pulling out knives, bats, and what looked like barbed wire with a hook attached to the end, Benji sighed, and straightened his stance.

"Puny lil thing like you shoulda stayed home," the leader grinned, showcasing some exceptionally yellow teeth, before lunging at him, arms bared. Hands grasped empty air, and before he could register why the youngster wasn't in his clutches, he heard one of his companions yelp.

He whirled around in time to see Benji duck under a bat, somersault over a sweeping barbed wire grapple, and leap into the air, kicking two goons in the face simultaneously. Before they even hit the ground Benji landed between them, arms splayed, dual glittering crystal needles sinking into their necks.

The third goon growled and slashed wildly with his knife, which whistled through empty air as Benji danced nimbly around it. Like a blur, he darted behind the thug and delivered a flurry of bee stings to his spine.

Watching his last comrade topple to the ground, the leader reached for his weapon, but froze as the razor sharp needle point met his throat.

He stared into the young Ninja's cold eyes, knowing that even the slightest twitch would mean his demise.

"As I said... I just need directions. Perhaps this time you will show more respect."

Source: https://fabtcg.com/articles/thousand-cuts/