Back Stab - (OUT015)
"Perfect strands of red drawn out by a perfectly angled blade. It's an art form few can appreciate." - Arakni, Huntsman
Bloodrot Pox - (OUT234)
"We are trumpeters of Their return, that even the deaf can hear Their footsteps drawing near." - book of the raven, l'Apocalypta
Concealed Blade - (OUT143)
"Always pack the right tools for the job" - Akuo, Spider Operative
Death Touch - (OUT164)
"Inoculate yourself with this merciful madness, that you may survive the horrors to come..." - book of the raven, l'Apocalypta
Destructive Deliberation - (OUT206)
Dis will blow your MIND!" - Suraj the Oracle
Down and Dirty - (OUT184)
Mobs scuttle through the undercity like pack rats, sniffing out havoc and any opportunity for a good mugging.
Feisty Locals - (OUT208)
Far more dangerous than a man with a sword, is a man with nothing to lose.
Frailty - (OUT235)
"Alchemy draws you in with a deadly allure. The promise of deliverance, the costs yet unknown." - Achlys, hag of Mojire
Freewheeling Renegades - (OUT211)
"Puff ya chest out... even more than that. Now yer ready to fight!" - Lena Belle
Inertia - (OUT236)
"This? A lil set-back is all it is. All it ever will be." - Dr. Mortimer
Malign - (OUT032)
Don't worry, you won't feel a thing." - Dr. Mortimer
Plunge - (OUT152)
"Damn squeakers. Dangerous, hungry, desperate... they'd cut your throat soon as look at you!" - Otmar
Razor's Edge - (OUT044)
There's hit men. There's big game hunters. Then there's king slayers.
Visit the Floating Dojo - (OUT055)
Grand masters of old reside atop Skylark peak. Amongst these Transcendents, he may find the answers he seeks.