Maxx-imum Hype

Apparently 'breakneck speed' wasn't fast enough.

Maxx careened around a corner, the thrusters of his speeder spewing flames like a dragon with a hangover. The enforcers were still only mere metres behind him, droning "HALT!" over and over as if it was the only word they knew how to say (it was).

He bobbed and weaved between smoky alleyways and rusted junctions, desperately trying to lose his pursuers. Maybe he had pushed it too far this time.

Actually, no. Not far enough.

They were rapidly approaching a ramshackle upwards-curving off-ramp, plastered with bright yellow caution signage to indicate demolition works dead ahead. Good, that meant they were probably using explosives.

Maxx unstrapped Banksy from his side, comforted by its familiar weighted balance. He used the wrench to pop open a panel on the side of his speeder, revealing way too many Hyper Drivers. Like every vehicle Maxx got his grimy mitts on, this speeder had been juiced up beyond anything that could be considered even remotely safe.

He had one shot to time this just right.

The moment the speeder made contact with the ramp, Maxx cranked the Hyper Drivers. The engines roared, releasing arcs of multi-coloured energy, and Maxx nearly broke his fingers trying to hold on as he rocketed up the ramp and high into the air, completely clearing the worksite below, killing the engines just before he touched ground on the other side. The enforcers weren't so lucky, making it a few metres up before plummeting straight down into the worksite.

No explosion? Lame.

As he revved his speeder to take off, a colossal BOOM burst his eardrums, immediately followed by a gigantic fireball. He watched the distant worksite eruption with awe as shockwaves rippled through his blue hair, coils of flame threatened to blind his eyes, and the lingering heat reached far enough to slightly pepper his skin.

Who ever said cool guys didn't look at explosions?