Arcane Language
The language of Arcane, as of Everfest, is known to be as follows.

The Arcane language is often on Runeblade cards and also appeared on the box art of Arcane Rising. The box says:
The shadows, shall rise again, releasing, the arcane, arts once, more.

Runechant tokens contain the arcane language. The text says
Fear not the lightning, fear the darkness that follows.

On the Monarch announcement page we see
I woke in darkness, amongst a ravenous legion. My body birthed from the shadows, my talons forged by the night. And as I grew my hunger too, and the words of the master filled my mind. Child, let's bathe in the blood of the monarch, let's dance on the grave of the light.

At the end of the article Power at any Cost we see the following:
Darkness, Canvas of the Universe.

This also happens to be on the back of cards under the words "Flesh and Blood".
On the mentor card, Lady Barthimont there is a book in the background which states:
"With the rising of the blood, so too does my power wa_ full."
"My will as iron, my words as law, I call unto thee".

In the art for the article Harbinger of the Abyss we see:
Rune is to sto_ _es blood is to bone sacrificed on the... Altar of divinity Erudition lies forgotten

Finally on Vexing Quillhand we see:
Do you feel it (---) the we... (---)
As you're scuttlin..(---) following itu
Will itu light.. the lie.. (---) monarch shackles
Binding acr_ss the (---) ..pty, your hearts
Hollowed, your mind (---) of gold, are you
Angry, fed uh, with i (---)...hidi, did you, do you
Hunger, for knowled(ge)(---)...he seed of nothingness
Fallen angel of the (---) form emptyness of,
Space, to oppose thi... (---) I was formed, take me I
Portal, my visage wil(l) (---) my wings will be your
Salvation, my nigt you(r) (---) my eyes will watch for
lies, and shiel(d) (--) my arms will hold you
Close, a...(---)...ou home...