Florian, Rotwood Harbinger

To the people of Candlehold, Florian may seem like a harbinger of doom. His very presence transforms the green of the glade into yellowing blight. Flowers fade and fall at his touch. Vines wither and decay. Time itself returns to grind what was forever into dust upon the earth.

But to those few elders who understand, Florian is the embodiment of nature's true essence—a reminder that every end brings the promise of new beginnings.

A seed that strayed from Candlehold's eternal summer, Florian embraced nature's darker aspects, finding purpose within the withering bounds of the Rotwood.

There, among decaying leaves and moldering bones, he hones his skills as a runeblade, tracing sigils into the fertile soil so the tired and listless creatures of Candlehold may pass in peace. He tends to the fallen with reverence, offering them a resting place where decay fosters new growth.

A solitary figure, Florian is guided by the knowledge that nature must cycle through death to sustain life. For the Harbinger, this is not a duty of sorrow, but a sacred rite—a recognition of the power in endings and the life that springs from the rot.