Aurora, Shooting Star

When a storm arrives, Aurora leaps into action, the promise of adventure sparkling in her eyes.

The Voltfolk are used to the Wayfarer shooting off before they can warn her of the dangers, knowing their pleas will slide off the startails of Aurora's enthusiasm. To her, a tempest usually leads to discoveries of the ancient vault kind.

She has opened many an aged tomb, all across Enion, but there is one she is most determined to crack. Based on what she's heard, and Aurora is always listening for the tips and tricks of antiquity, the conditions are right for that old bottle to pop its cork. This is a once-in-a-millennia moment and she's not going to miss it.

Taking the lightning in her stride, Aurora vaults into the unknown, trusting in her bright wits and sparkling demeanor to win the day.

Will she uncover secrets of an ancient and ominous nature? Probably. But what's an adventure without a few shocking revelations along the way?