Bravo, Showstopper
The star of the Everfest Carnival, leader of the Legendarium, performing stories and legends for cheering crowds. Bravo grew up listening to the tales of old, fascinated by past heroes and adventurers. When his destiny came knocking, with a curious quest and mysterious companions, Bravo jumped at the chance to become a true hero. Now, he has embraced the legend of the Guardians, and is ready to write his own story.
Confident, charming and theatrical, Bravo treats battle like a performance. Set the stage, build the anticipation, and prepare for the grand finale, for once he's ready to strike, nothing can stand in the way of his powerful attacks.

"Bravo, the Strongest Man in all of Rathe", or so the posters pinned to trees and alehouse doors say when the Everfest carnival approaches. Crush attacks are the most powerful attacks in Welcome to Rathe! Often the opponent will be able to dodge their full impact, but if Bravo is able to gain a dominating position, the severe detrimental crush effects will cripple the opponents plans.

Bravo is a master of dominating the limelight, and likewise combat. His hero ability plays a key role in his performance, making his showstopping acts impossible to miss! Bravo's ability makes his crush attacks with 7 or more power more likely to deal the four damage required to inflict their debilitating effects.

When Bravo takes the stage, his presence fills the room. Such is the aura of a great showman. Aura's are a key part of Bravo's act, bolstering his ability to impose himself on center stage and on the battlefield. Bravo's auras stay in the arena when you play them, giving you an ongoing effect or an effect at a future point in time.
Bravo, Star of the Show
It's been years since the skirmish at the Fractal Scar, and the call to arms you answered that fateful day. As the charismatic and handsome ringmaster of the Legendarium, your time (in-between shows) had been well spent honing your newfound power, the power of the Flow that now coursed within your veins!
But everywhere you looked, the Everfest was rocking, and the patrons were having a blast! The shadows of that day, it seemed, had melted away.
Every ruckus you hear, just the sound of a drunken patron. Every bang, every explosion, a wayward firework or a poorly barrelled keg. The roar of the crowd, the anticipation of the encore, and the exhilaration of the finale is almost enough to coax you back into a life of joyful carelessness. A life of comfort that you knew all too well.
Except for these rainbow strands of the Flow that coursed through your veins, within them you felt an ancient calling, and the weight of many solemn oaths. They whispered gently beside your ears, reminding you of a looming threat that is yet to be revealed.
Until one day, at long last, an oddball party of misfits arrived at your doorstep.
And the rest, as they say, is...
Coming soon!

Is Bravo the chosen one? The first hero for an eon to embody the Flow and with it the 3 primary elements that course through the land of Aria. Awaken the elements of Earth, Ice, and Lightning, to unleash Bravo's most spectacular performance yet!

Folk flock from all across Rathe to see the Star of the Show take center stage at the Everfest carnival. With the biggest acts and attacks in all of Flesh and Blood, Bravo never disappoints his fans.