Oscilio, Constella Intelligence
Oscilio, Constella Intelligence, was created by the Aetherscribes of the past to protect the future.
Together, the scribes imbued Oscilio with their wisdom; shaped him to withstand the cataclysm that followed the war of the Third Age between the Ancients and the Old Ones.
And now, Oscilio has awoken, and he has a warning for all of Rathe.
He will share the knowledge of the Aetherscribes with those who would use it to rebuild the strength of Enion. He will seek the signs of the Old Ones' return, ever observant of the subtle disturbances and echoes that might signal their resurgence. He will ensure that Rathe is ready to face its uncertain future.
But first, Oscilio must move with a purpose as ancient as the stones beneath his feet whilst navigating the eccentricities of Aria's diverse inhabitants.
Oscilio may be the aetheric embodiment of infinite wisdom, designed to defend against an ancient threat, but he has much to learn about the Aria of today.

Oscilio is arcane brilliance personified, with knowledge bordering on omnipotence. Discard instants in search of the perfect answer for any situation.

One of the most electrifying weapons known to the world of Rathe, Volzar, the Lightning Rod can push Oscilio's arcane damage to an unheard-of amount of voltage.