Fang, Dracai of Blades
As a young man, Fang stared into the flames of destruction and witnessed the workings of chaos.
Born into a family of Dracai nobles, Fang received a formal education in the importance of tradition. According to the doctrines he had drilled into his mind, peace is built on harmony, harmony is founded on order, and order is forged by power.
Fang's fragile harmony was shattered by the agonized cries of his family as they were consumed by the fires of rebellion. He saw Volcai slaughter Dracai. He smelled the flesh of family burning at the stake. He carries those painful memories with him to this day. He still bears the dishonor.
Finding solace in service, Fang committed his life to the Emperor's Royal Guard. Their strict principles molded him into a fiercely devoted captain of the Children of the Dragon. Now, his every waking hour is spent waging war upon the accomplices of regicide.
Fang leads his soldiers into battle with vengeance in his fists and fealty in his heart. For order he will give no quarter. For his fallen Emperor he will make any sacrifice.

Nothing in Fang's life matters as much as his duty to the dynasty. He will gladly give his life to prove his Fealty, his devotion inspiring unimaginable feats in battle.

With his loyalty proven, Fang's daggers become the most efficient and ruthless weapons Rathe has ever seen. Go pitchless and make your opponents pay for their crimes against the Emperor.